Capture of Savannah

Tuesday December 29, 1778

the wither was about 50-60 F wind was calm we had 850 men. Howe held a council that morning , and ground was chosen at which to make a  stand.About one-half of a mile south of the city, he established a line of defense.He formed a line in the shape of a V,with the end anchored by swampy wood.On the left Howe placed Georgia Continental and militia under Samuel Elbert,while on the right he put South Caroling Contina Continentals under Isaoc Huger and William Thompson.The line was supported by four pieces of artiller,and light in fan try companies guarded the flanks.Most of Howe’s troops including the Continentals,had sen little or no action the war.They killed 83 men and captured 453 men this battle we lost.

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